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This conference run through all 4 days from 23 - 26 May 2016.
We also provide free lunch and coffee break in each day.
Day 1
20 Apr 2022
09:00 - 09:30

Registration & welcome drinks

Green maritime recycling

Green maritime recycling starts with proper planning and an accurate inventory of hazardous materials and is only finalized once it is documented that all material is either recycled or properly...
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Bert van Grieken speaker OS2022
Bert van Grieken

Recycling of thermoset blades

The aim is to make offshore wind farms fully circular. The plastic composite wind turbine blades form a challenge because there is still no economically lucrative method to recycle the...
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Harald van der Mijle Meijer TNO
Harald van der Mijle Meijer
10:45 - 11:10

Morning coffee break

Understanding the potential pitfalls of offshore decommissioning

During Offshore Seminar, Croes-Schalken will discuss the challenges of offshore decommissioning. Croes-Schalken explains: “Decommissioning is an inherently hazardous exercise, one that requires meticulous planning, experienced management and an extremely defined...
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Marcella Croes-Schalken speaker at Offshore Seminar 2021
Marcella Croes-Schalken
12:20 - 13:30


Re-use of offshore production facilities

This session will discuss the options and benefits of reusing offshore production facilities for other Oil & Gas developments.
Martin Bruins
Martin Bruins

Sustainability in the Maritime Sector is not only necessary but also financially interesting

Sustainability is not often considered part of the business model. You can, however, only make a real impact in the area of sustainability if you make sustainability an integrated part...
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Egbert Vennik
14:45 - 15:10

Afternoon coffee break

Entire monopile foundation removal

In the European seas, around 4500 Monopiles have been installed or are under construction. All these foundations eventually need to be decommissioned. Because most permits allow for partial removal, it...
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Wout Stapel Van Oord
Wout Stapel

Decommissioning is holistic

During Offshore Seminar, Reuderink will explain the importance of planning of decommissioning. Reuderink: “Planning of decommissioning is the key for safe and cost-effective removal. An integrated design for decommissioning starts in...
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OS 2022 Pim Reuderink
Pim Reuderink
16:50 - 18:30

Networking drinks & bites


GD Building, Grand Conference Room
11 GD Building, River Mall, New york, USA 8879

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239.00 EUR

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